Faculty of Finance

Kornyliuk Roman Vasylovych

department:Department of Banking and Insurance
teacher degree: none
Degree:Doctor of Economics

Roman Kornyliuk, D.Sc., is an economist with 17 years of general professional experience in developing economic research, rating methodology and data analytics in banking and finance, especially 12 years in lecturer position at KNEU. Now, he is Professor at banking and insurance department of KNEU and Financial Analyst at YouControl.

In 2020 he received a D.Sc. degree in finance, defended his doctoral thesis "Systemic Risk in Banking".
In 2011 he received a Ph.D. degree in finance, defended his dissertation on "Foreign banks in the banking system of Ukraine" .
Roman is a lecturer of the "Money and Credit" course, co-author of the course "Banking System", moderator of the bank's discussion club of students, teachers and practitioners of the financial market, author of the website about the banking analytics in Ukraine www.bankografo.com.

Roman Kornyliuk combines scientific and pedagogical activity with advising business media on solvency ranking of banks. Starting from 2009 on the basis of developed authoring techniques, the solvency ranking of banks in Ukrainian media are regularly calculated. He worked on a numerous common projects with mass media on banking, financial stability, global economy, where he and his research team provide firm- and market-level analytics based on the open data sources.