Faculty of Finance

Presentation of the results of the international project under the Erasmus KA2 DEFEP program

On June 27, 2024, a presentation of the results of the international project under the Erasmus+ KA2 DEFEP program "Distance education for future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market" was held in a mixed format at the Faculty of Finance of the Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman.


The Dean of the Faculty of Finance, Professor Bohdan Stetsenko, the Head of the Department of Corporate Finance and Controlling, Professor Oleg Tereshchenko, and the responsible executor of the DEFEP project, Professor Tetyana Mayorova, reported on the main results of the project and outlined ways of developing the project for the next periods.


Among the important results of the reporting period are the updating of educational, methodical and organizational support for distance education at the university; updating the educational programs "Financial Management and Controlling" and "Investment Management" and the relevant curricula for distance learning, conducting career guidance work at the faculty, etc.


Separately, they discussed the progress of tasks under Work package 5 - "Improving methodical, personnel and logistical support of the distance education system". In particular, the focus was on the results of tender purchases of equipment and software for experimental teaching laboratories of distance education at the Faculty of Finance.


Among the important areas of further activity under the project is the development of the necessary methodological support for the educational disciplines of the educational programs "Financial Management and Controlling" and "Investment Management", specialty 072 - finance, banking, insurance and the stock market.






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Last redaction: 28.06.24