Faculty of Finance

Faculty members

  • Serhii Khodakevych
      In 1998 received  master's degreein Economics, specialization"Accounting and auditing in business management", KNEU; in 2001defended  thesis and obtained the...
    Liudmyla Prymostka
    In 1979 graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Kiev State University named by Taras Shevchenko. Since 1985 after graduate school works in KNEU. In 1992. PhD, in 2002. - Doctor...
  • Iryna Krasnova
    Professor, Deputy Head of Department
    From 1983 to 1987 studied at the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D. Korotchenko. In 1987 entered Graduate School. In 1990 defended the PhD thesis"Statistical evaluation...
    Andrii Nikitin
    Professor, Deputy Head of Department
    Andrii Nikitin was born in Kyiv in 1969. In 1990, he graduated from the Finance and Economic Faculty of the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) named after Vadym Hetman (that time...
  • Stanislav Arzhevitin
    Arzhevitin Stanislav Mikhailovich In 1982, he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko, Faculty of Finance and Economics, specializing in...
    Andrii Baranov
    2005 - graduated from Finance and Economics Faculty of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman. Master honours degree, specialty "Finance and Credit", master...
  • Ihor Ivasiv
    In 1991 graduated from the Faculty of Credit and Economics of the Ternopil Institute of the National Economy. Since 1993 after graduate school works in KNEU. In 1997. PhD, in 2009. -...
    Roman Kornyliuk
    Roman Kornyliuk, D.Sc., is an economist with 17 years of general professional experience in developing economic research, rating methodology and data analytics in banking and finance,...
  • Tetiana Kryvoshlyk
    In 1993 graduated from the Kyiv State University of Economics ("KNEU named after Vadim Hetman "), majoring in finance and credit.   In 1995 started the scientific and teaching...
    Nadiia Tsyhanova
    N. Tsyganova graduated with honors The Department of Economics of Kyiv State University named after T. Shevchenko In 1986. N. Tsyganova studied under the MBA program of banking in...
  • Nadiia Barida
    Associate Professor
    n 1994 , she graduated from the Faculty of Credit and Economics at the Ternopil National Economic University, and she received a diploma with honors with specialization in "finances...
    Viktoriia Biloshapka
      She was born in Kyiv in 1970. In 1991, she graduated from the Finance and Economic Faculty of the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) named after Vadym Hetman (that time -...
  • Olena Breheda
    Phd in Economics
    Graduated from Kyiv National Economic University with a master's degree in Banking Management (diploma with honors). In 2002 defended thesis on the topic "Banking Services Market:...
    Pavlo Chub
    Associate Professor
    Chub Pavlo works in KNEU since September 1998, after graduating from the Faculty of Finance and Economics (specialty "Finance and Credit", qualification Master of Banking...
  • Olha Dymnich
    Assosiate Professor
    In 2001 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Kyiv National Economic University.   2002 - 2009 - specialist in the insurance sector of...
    Vladyslav Lavreniuk
    Associate Professor
    2007-2012 studied at the State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University  named after Vadym Hetman"  and  received qualification  Master of...
  • Iryna Okhrymenko
    Associate Professor
     In 1996, she graduated from the Kyiv State University of Economics (Vadim Hetman KNEU) and received a masters degree in banking management. In 1997, began my scientific and...
  • Valentyna Shevaldina
    Associate Professor
    Graduated from Kiev national economic university in 1997. In 2004 selected by contest for the position of Banking department assistant. After department division in 2005 has been...
    Tetiana Stetsiuk
    1995 - graduated from Ternopil Academy of national economy. Master degree, specialty "Finance and Credit". 2002 to 2007 - assistant of the Department of Corporate Finance and...
  • Yuliia Strilchuk
    Associate Professor
    Graduated from Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Master in Banking, diploma with honours).  2015-2018 - Postgraduate student,  Kyiv National...
    Tetiana Tatarina
    associate professor at the Banking and Insurance Department
    During 1983-1988 studied at Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D. Korotchenko. In 1994 began the scientific and teaching activities at Kyiv National Economic University...