Faculty of Finance


The science "Insurance" is mandatory and is aimed at bachelor preparation, specialty 6.030508 "Finance and credit", specialization "Credit", who should know insurance economics to use the knowledge gained in the process of working directly in the insurance sector of the economy.



The aim of mastering science in the context of preparing specialists of a certain specialty. Its relationship with other sciences, disciplines of the curriculum.


The aim of mastering scienceis the consistent formation of students' basic knowledge of the theory and practice of insurance.

In the process of teaching the science the following tasks are being solved:

• to equip students a deep understanding of insurance relations occurring in the insurance companies and the insurance market;

• to create the ability to think independently, identify and analyze insurance relations, take management decisions;

• to learn the objective need, the essence and role of insurance in terms of building a socially oriented market economy;

• to examine the methodological basis of risk assessment and determination of insurance premiums for insurance contracts;

• to learn the organizational structure of the insurance market of Ukraine and features of globalization displays in it;

• to know the need, importance and methods of state regulation of insurance;

• to master the features of property insurance, liability and personal insurance, and reinsurance;

• to examine the nature and importance of the solvency of insurance companies;

• to know macroeconomic indicators of the global insurance market;

• to navigate the features of leading regional and national insurance markets (UK, Germany and other countries).

The subject of scienceis the totality of financial relations arising between subjects of the insurance market on the sale of insurance products.

The science "Insurance" has a consistent and strong relationship with such sciences (disciplines), as "Insurance services", "Finance of Insurance Organizations", "Risk Management in Insurance", "Marketing", "Sales Management", "Consumer Behavior" "Finance", "Corporate Finance" and so on.

The list of knowledge and skills, which will come after a student masters this science.

As a result of studying the science "Insurance" a student will know:

• categorical and conceptual apparatus in the insurance science;

• the economic nature of insurance, its features, principles, role and place in modern conditions of economic development;

• stages of risk management;

• the nature of risk and its classification;

• features of insurance;

• methodological aspects of risk assessment grounds and definition of insurance premiums;

• the features of the insurance premium components and the insurance fee structure;

• the features of determining insurance premiums in life insurance and general insurance;

• the tariff policy of the insurer;

• the organizational structure of the insurance market and its functions;

• the features of the activity of insurance companies;

• the current state of the insurance market of Ukraine;

• the structure and trends of the domestic insurance market;

• specifics of state regulation of insurance activity in Ukraine;

will be able to:

• navigate the legislative and normative acts regulating insurance activities;

• analyze the current state of insurance in Ukraine;

• calculate the index of market concentration of the insurance market;

• identify trends of the domestic insurance market;

• form a holistic vision of organizational structure of the insurance market;

• define business processes in insurance and characterize them;

• make an insurance contract;

• analyze the performance of the global insurance market;

• summarize trends and patterns of domestic and international insurance markets;

• use knowledge of the insurance to solve professional problems.


The scope of the implementation of acquired knowledge and skills in the future profession

Knowledge and skills acquired in the study of the science are used in the organization of business processes in insurance. They can be used by graduates as managers in the insurance and reinsurance organizations, underwriters, economists, risk managers, insurance agents, civil servants of specialized agencies and researchers.


The content of the science that is available to students studying in modules and topics.

Topic 1. The essence, principles and role of insurance

Topic 2. The origins of insurance and its development

Topic 3. Methodological basis of risk assessment and determination of insurance premiums

Topic 4. Insurance market

Topic 5. State regulation of insurance activity

Topic 6. Insurance company

Topic 7. Property and liability insurance

Topic 8. Bancassurance

Topic 9. Personal insurance

Topic 10.Reinsurance

Topic 11.The solvency of the insurance company

Topic 12. Global insurance market


Teaching staff: Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. T.I. Stetsiuk, Assistant S.M. Poliezhaieva



Basic bibliography:

1. Insurance: Textbook / Head of auth. group and scien. ed. S.S. Osadets. - 3rd ed. - K.: KNEU, 2006. - 599 p.

2. Insurance: Training. - method. guide for self. stud. of the disc. / Ed. by O.O. Gamankova. - K .: KNEU, 2000. - 120 p.

3. I.P. Shumelda. Insurance: Tutorial / I.P.Shumelda. - Second edition, enlarged. - K.: International Agency "Bison", 2007. - 384 p.

Last redaction: 31.10.17

Publications on the subject