Faculty of Finance

Social insurance

"Social Insurance" is a selective discipline, which is very popular among the students of different specialties.

The discipline "Social Security" is aimed at bachelor preparation, specialty 6.030508 "Finance and Credit" (specialization "Finance"), who need to know the economic nature of social security, rights and responsibilities of social insurance, system of formation and use of compulsory social insurance funds, types of benefits and social services, be able to determine the insurance period, insurance premiums and so on.

The aim of mastering the discipline in the context of preparing specialists of a certain specialty. Its relationship with other subjects of the curriculum.

The aim of mastering the discipline is the formation of students' modern economic thinking on the theory of the basic social insurance.

In the process of teaching the discipline the following tasks are solved:

• researching the economic substance of social insurance and determination of its place in the social protection of Ukrainian population;

• determining the mechanism of social insurance state regulation;

• coverage of principles and conditions of certain types of social insurance, as well as characteristics of the material benefits and social services provided at the expense of insurance funds;

• introduction of social insurance countries with developed market economies to be used in Ukraine in conditions of maximum taking national circumstances into account;

• to solve practical problems and situations based on solid theoretical knowledge and skills.

The subject of the disciplineis the economic relations arising in the process of distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product by creating funds of money and their use for citizens in old age, in case of permanent or temporary disability, unemployment, maternity support and health care.

The discipline "Social Insurance" has a close structural and logical relationship with such sciences (disciplines), as "Insurance", "Insurance services", "Finance", "Finance companies", "Business economics", "Accounting".

The list of knowledge and skills which will come after a student masters the discipline.

As a result of studying the discipline, a studentwill know:

• categorical and conceptual apparatus of the discipline "Social insurance";

• economic nature of social security, its functions and principles;

• the rights and responsibilities of compulsory social insurance;

• the system of formation and use of funds of mandatory social insurance;

• types of benefits and social services;

• determine insurance period, insurance premiums;

• carry out calculations of financial support;

• differences and similarities of social and private insurance;

• nature of social risk and its classification;

• features of social insurance;

• background (signs) of social insurance according to evolutionary stages of development;

• the organizational structure of social insurance and its functions;

• features of social funds activity;

• characteristics of the social insurance subjects;

• methods of state regulation of social insurance;

• particular legal provision of social insurance in Ukraine;

• peculiarities of social insurance against unemployment, temporary, permanent disability, medical insurance, pension insurance, insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases;

• social insurance trends in the world and its impact on the development of social insurance in Ukraine.

will be able to:

• navigate the legislative and normative acts regulating relations in the compulsory state social insurance;

• analyze the current state of social protection;

• count material support by the types of insurance;

• summarize trends and patterns of domestic and foreign; obligatory state social insurance

• identify trends of social insurance in Ukraine;

• form a holistic vision of organizational structure of social security;

• navigate the peculiarities of social funds;

• define basic terms of social insurance against unemployment, old age, temporary or permanent disability, health insurance, accident insurance and occupational diseases;

• identify trends of foreign experience in social security and especially its impact on social insurance in Ukraine;

• summarize trends and patterns of national and international social security;

• use knowledge of the social insurance for personal protection against social risks;

• use knowledge of social insurance to solve professional problems.

The scope of the implementation of acquired knowledge and skills in the future profession.

Knowledge and skills acquired in the discipline "Social insurance" students can apply working in public institutions and enterprises of different ownership forms and economic activities, the Pension Fund of Ukraine and Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine. They can be used by graduates as managers in financial institutions, financial advisors, experts, economists, risk managers, civil servants of specialized institutions.

Summary of the discipline offered for students to study in modules and topics.

Topic 1. The essence, principles and role of social insurance.

Topic.2. Foreign experience in the field of social security.

Topic 3. State regulation of social insurance.

Topic 4. Financial support for social insurance.

Topic 5. Temporary disability insurance.

Topic 6. Insurance against accidents and occupational diseases.

Topic 7. Medical insurance.

Topic 8. Unemployment insurance.

Topic 9. Pension insurance.


Teaching staff: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. T.I.Stetsiuk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.O.V.Dymnich, ass. V.O.Demchenko


Basic bibliography.

1. The right to social security in Ukraine: Textbook. - Kharkiv: Publishing House "Finn." 2011. - 434 p.

2. N.B. Bolotina. The right to social protection in Ukraine. - K .: Knowledge, 2008. - 663 p.

3. On state social standards and state social guarantees. Law of Ukraine 05.10.2000. №2017-III / www.rada.org.ua

4. S.I. Yuriy, M.P. Shavarina, N.V. Shamanic. Social insurance: Textbook. - K :, Condor. - 2004. - 464p.

5. Basic Laws of Ukraine on compulsory social insurance. Law of Ukraine. Supreme Council of Ukraine (VVR), 1998, № 23, art.121.

6. Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Pension Insurance» № 1058-IV of 09.07.2003. // Taxes and accounting. - 2003.- № 70.

Last redaction: 10.02.16

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