Faculty of Finance

Reinsurance operations management

The science "Reinsurance operations management" is the part of the curriculum for masters program "Insurance Management", specialty "Finance and Credit". Its study is focused on mastering modern methods and forms of reinsurance and developing skills for the organization of reinsurance protection of the insurer.

       Students show great interest in the study of the science, because in modern conditions of society, no insurance company can conduct insurance operations without using constant or sporadic transmission risks in reinsurance. Reinsurance allows insurers to ensure financial stability and balance of the insurance portfolio, increase its capacity. The organization of effective reinsurance protection of the insurer requires a great deal of specialists' knowledge in the field of actuarial calculations, underwriting policy, the insurer's finance, foreign languages, international law, skills of conducting business communications, as reinsurance is the international type of business. A student gets the fundamentals of this knowledge after studying the cycle of disciplines of professional guidance under the "Insurance Management" and including the science "Reinsurance operations management."


The aim of mastering the science (discipline) in the context of preparing specialists of a certain specialty. Its relationship with other disciplines of the curriculum.

The aim of mastering scienceis getting knowledge of the main provisions of the theory and practice of reinsurance and management mechanism by students.


In the process of studying the science the following tasks are being solved:

• to equip students a deep understanding of the nature of reinsurance transactions conducted by insurers to ensure their financial soundness;

• to create the ability to think independently, identify and analyze reinsurance relations, take management decisions;

• to clarify the need, economic nature and role of reinsurance in conditions of the domestic insurance market;

• to highlight the organization and development of the reinsurance market, the directions of state regulation of reinsurance;

• to explore contemporary forms of reinsurance protection organization abroad and to identify the most appropriate ones for use in the domestic insurance market;

• to master the stages of making and conducting reinsurance agreement, the basic provisions of the reinsurance contract;

• to explore the features of reinsurance risks of certain types of insurance, ways to improve the financial stability of insurers via reinsurance operations;

• to learn the laws and regulations governing the activities of reinsurers in Ukraine and abroad.


The subject of the science. Fundamentals of reinsurance operations' instrumentation, the use of which provides a balanced insurance portfolio and financial stability of the insurer.

The science "Reinsurance operations management" has a close structural and logical relationship with such sciences (disciplines) as "Finance", "Insurance", "Risk Management in Insurance", "Insurance Management".

The list of knowledge and skills, which will come after a student masters the science (discipline).

As a result of studying the science, a student will know:

   • categorical and conceptual apparatus of science;

   • the economic nature of reinsurance, its functions and principles, the role of reinsurance in the insurance market;

   • foreign experience of state regulation of reinsurance activity and characteristics of national legislative provision;

   • the most appropriate forms and methods of reinsurance protection in the domestic insurance market;

   • the features of making and conducting reinsurance agreements, reservations of proportional and non-proportional reinsurance contracts.

   • the world reinsurance market trends and their impact on the development of reinsurance in Ukraine.

Will be able to:

• determine the possibility of qualitative changes in the insurance portfolio in the application of certain reinsurance contracts;

  • make payments of shares of premiums and benefits due for reinsurers  for insurance compensation on proportional and non-proportional contracts;

  • select the optimum program of reinsurance protection of the insurance portfolio to ensure financial stability of the insurer;

  • assess the current financial condition and prospects of the insurer, his financial security, reputation, as a future partner in reinsurance relations;

  • monitor the efficiency of reinsurance services.

        The scope of the implementation of acquired knowledge and skills in the future profession.

Knowledge and skills acquired in the study of the science are used in the organization of the insurer's reinsurance protection to ensure financial stability and balance of insurance operations. Graduates can realize that knowledge and skills as managers in the insurance and reinsurance organizations, underwriters, actuaries, financial analysts, financial consultants, experts, economists, risk managers, civil servants of specialized agencies and researchers.


The content of the science that is available to students studying in modules and topics:

Topic 1. The economic essence and significance of reinsurance

Topic 2. The adjustment of reinsurance activity

Topic 3. Reinsurance Market

Topic 4. Self-keeping of the insurer

Topic 5. Reinsurance contract

Topic 6. Methods of reinsurance

Topic 7. Proportional reinsurance. Types of contracts

Topic 8. Non-proportional reinsurance. Types of contracts

Topic 9. Specific features of disproportionate agreements

Topic 10.The calculation of premium in non-proportional reinsurance contracts

Topic 11.Reinsurance by types of insurance


Teaching Staff:

T.V. Tatarina Ph.D., associate professor

K.O. Slipko Ph.D., associate professor.


Basic bibliography:

1.Insurance: Textbook / Director of aut.group and scien. ed . S.S.Osadets. - Ed.3 nd, revised. and add. - K .: KNEU, 2006. - 599 p. (Unit 17 Reinsurance and coinsurance).

2.O.O.Gamankova. The insurance services market of Ukraine: theory, methodology, practice: Monograph. - K .: KNEU, 2009. - 283 p.

3. O.V. Kneysler. Reinsurance market of Ukraine: theoretical and methodological dominants of formation and development priorities: Monograph / O.V. Kneysler. - K .: Center of educational literature, 2012. - 416 p .

4. Reinsurance: teach. manual / Director of aut.group and scien. ed . T.V.Tatarina (manuscript edition - 2016).

Last redaction: 20.04.20