Факультет фінансів

89 щорічна студентська наукова конференція «ІННОВАЦІЙНІ ІДЕЇ ТА ПРОЄКТИ ДЛЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОГО ВІДРОДЖЕННЯ УКРАЇНИ»22 Травня 2022р.

Despite the war and distances that separate our smart students and teachers, we've managed to hold an amazing 89th annual student conference "New ideas and projects for the economic revival of Ukraine". Out of the box approaches to the Ukraine's prosperity have been offered by the participants. So, what are our outcomes? Digital transformation, investment in human resources, inplementation of an updated Marshal's plan are current remedies for our economy. And what more - again we were convinced  that students of Finance department are the best! Thank you, guys,  for such interesting presentations!

Best Speaker (students' vote) - Diana Kozachuk

1st place - Roman Tumanov

2nd place - Maryna Kurylina,Victoria Panochyshena

3rd place - Eve Voznyuk, Egor Balayev