Факультет фінансів

Вебінари кафедри з носіями мови14 Грудня 2020р.

30.11 2020 Webinar with Kate Lloyd - the representative of London School of English

Starting a business week with an amazing speaker Kate Lloyd, speaking about something finger-licking good from GB.

Department of Foreign Languages, Finance Faculty, KNEU expresses gratitude to our academic partners London School of English and Dinternal Education. Today we've visited and tasted delicious British food. Though it was online, both students and teachers enjoyed it!


9.12.2020 Webinar with London School of English (Amy Butler)

Another productive Q&A webinar with our partners from London School of English devoted to working and living in New York. Special thanks to our enthusiastic presenter Amy Butler who encouraged students' questions as well as shared her experience of what it's like to be an American in Ukraine.

Department of Foreign Languages of Finance Faculty, KNEU is very grateful to Dinternal education for the assistance in organising the meeting.